Building Plots in Surrey

BWP Architects can help you find a building plot, maximise the potential of land you may already own or help you get your own Grand Design off to a flying start if you have found the right site.

Any of the offices in Farnham, Hastings or Harrogate can help you with your building plots in Surrey, Sussex or North Yorkshire.

Looking for a Building Plot?

If you are looking for the perfect building plot to build your dream home then please contact us – many of our clients, both private and developers, often have land that they would be interested in selling. This can either be already with the benefit of planning permission for residential development or not.

Remember, just because a plot of land has planning permission for a particular style or size of house this does not necessarily mean you have to build that. We can help and advise you on the planning process to submit new designs that may be more to your own taste.

Have a Building Plot to Sell?

If you have a piece of land, with or without planning permission, we have a number of developer clients who we can put you in touch with. We do not charge you a fee for this service.

Want to maximise the potential of land you own?

Do you own some land but don’t know if it is suitable for residential development? Do you want to know more about the planning pitfalls and restrictions on land? We can help and advise from the outset and put together a team of the professional consultants that are needed to navigate the every increasingly complex planning process. This includes topographical survey teams, arboriculturalists, ecology consultants, archaeological consultants, landscape designers, highways, energy assessors and Code for Sustainable Homes  Assessors etc.

Find out more about building plots:

Contact us at the following offices:

Farnham for building plots in Surrey       

Harrogate for building plots in Yorkshire