BWP Architects regularly work closely with Developers from initial Feasibility Studies through to the preparation of full working drawings. Many of the Developers we have worked with have become repeat clients – some of whom we have now worked with for many years. We have also been appointed by some of the larger national developers to prepare overall Masterplans for housing developments of over 400 units.
Alternative Proposals
We can quickly prepare alternative proposals where planning permission has previously been gained to increase profitability of a site and are comfortable negotiating these changes through the planning maze.
Variety of Scale
Working with developers throughout the South East and North Yorkshire we have realised a wide variety of projects ranging from individual large houses and small groups of houses (typically between 3 and 12 units) through to housing estates of several hundred houses.
Building Control and Construction
When working with developers we can either work through the scheme from initial designs through the whole construction process or we can take schemes already granted planning permission and produce building control and construction information.