Planning Applications

Applications for Planning Permission can be extremely complicated and the quality of the submission is often a factor in obtaining an elusive permission. We are able to take the lead in both the design process and the planning submission or work with your Planning Consultant should the project be of sufficient complexity. BWP Architects can prepare schemes for Outline Planning Application, Full Planning Applications, Discharge of Reserved Matters and Discharge of Planning Conditions.

Outline Planning Applications

This is a process set up to establish the principle of development on a site. Because local planning authorities are increasingly making more detailed requests for information regarding access, siting, appearance and landscape this is becoming a less efficient way of establishing the options for a site. We will do an outline planning application but generally recommend that a full planning application is a better option in the long term.

Full Planning Applications

Once the design proposal has been agreed on we will make a full planning application for the site. This would include floor plans, elevations, design statements and 3d sketch images, where relevant. More complicated projects often involve the client engaging planning consultants specifically to deal with local and national planning policy issues. We have worked with numerous planning consultants over the years and would be happy to recommend some.

Conservation Areas

Many residential projects occur in conservation areas and require a greater sensitivity to the surrounding buildings. We have extensive experience of this and are able to respect the unique nature of the area without necessarily mimicking a historical style or house type.

Listed Building Consents

For listed properties it may be necessary to obtain Listed Building Consent in addition to full planning permission. This requires a greater level of liaison between local conservation officers to produce a highly detailed design.