
Surrey Heath Planning CIL and Validation Changes

Surrey Heath Council have announced today that they are formally adopting the Community Infrastructure Levy and have also updated their Planning Application Validation criteria – below is their announcement:


“Surrey Heath’s Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule was adopted by Full Council on the 16th July 2014. The CIL Charging Schedule will come into effect on the 1st December 2014.

This means that any applications determined on or after the 1st December 2014 may be CIL Liable.

From the 1st October 2014 the Planning Authority will therefore require all planning applications, including householder planning applications and applications for certificates of lawfulness, to be accompanied by CIL ‘Additional Information Requirement Form.’ If your application is for a major development, with a statutory determination period of 13 weeks, then it is advisable you submit this form before the 1st October 2014.

Where your proposal is CIL Liable it is in your interests and it is strongly recommended that you also submit CIL ‘Form 1: Assumption of Liability’ with your planning application.

Further information on CIL including the Charging Schedule and policy documents are available on the Council’s website. Downloadable forms will be made available and can also be obtained from the Planning Portal.

Validation of Planning Applications: Local Validation List and Guidance

At the Executive Committee on the 22nd July 2014 the Council revoked the 2008 Validation of Planning Applications Supplementary Planning Document and approved a new Local Validation List. This document was subject to an 8 week consultation between 14 April 2014 and 9 June 2014.

Please note that this document requires all plans and drawings to include a scale bar. Your planning application will be made invalid if not included.

A copy of this document is available on the Council’s website.

If you require further information or clarification please email”