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Permitted Development Rights – Government Consultation on Changes to PDR

The Government finally announced the formal consultation on the proposed temporary 3 year changes to Permitted Development Rights for Householders.


As we predicted – there are NO planned changes to the current Permitted Development Rights in Conservation Areas, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty or National Parks. In addition, there are no planned changes to the current Permitted Development Rights for Listed Buildings.

The safeguards that are inherent within the existing PDR remain in force for these Article 1(5) areas. The principal changes that will be of interest to the majority of our clients relate simply to single storey rear extensions but, as noted above, this does not apply in every instance.

The Consultation document suggests, somewhat misleadingly in our opinion, that this will save householders time and money. We would always advocate obtaining a Lawful Development Certificate for any work you intend to do under what you beleive are Permitted Development Rights – there may be other, more hidden, legislation such as detailed Article 4 Directives, that have reduced the scope of PDR for your property.

Always remember as well that planning permission and / or Permitted Development Rights do not auomatically confer a “right to build”. There is a wealth of other legislation that needs to be navigated including Building Regulations, Party Wall etc Act, Rights of Light, Restrictive Covenants, proximity to shared drains / public sewers or other services etc etc.

Obtaining clear professional advice from the outset is the best way of avoiding a potentially very costly mistake!